Most Compact TXRF Spectrometer for Ultra-Trace Element Analysis

In-field Element Analysis

Shortest Time to Result


Limits of detection
Analysis of smallest sample amounts in the nanogram or microgram range
No gases, no cooling media
Carbon footprint far lower than ICP
Cl, As, Se
Simultaneous multi-element trace analysis
Easy quantification of critical elements forming volatile compounds

The S2 PICOFOX - Smart, Green, Compact

The S2 PICOFOX is a transportable TXRF spectrometer for ultra-trace element analysis. Due to its complete independence of any gas or cooling medium, the analyzer can be used not only in the laboratory but also for on-site analyses in the field.

  • Simultaneous multi-element trace analysis, including halogenides
  • Analysis of smallest sample amounts in the nanogram or microgram range
  • Simple quantification using an internal standard without daily calibration
  • Suitable for various sample types and applications
  • No matrix or memory effects
  • Low operating cost, no need for any media, disposables or periodic maintenance

Water Analysis with the Clean Water Package for the S2 PICOFOX

The Clean Water Package for the S2 PICOFOX is a purpose-built solution for the on-site environmental monitoring of fresh water, wastewater and effulents. Using the Clean Water Package users can easily take the S2 PICOFOX into the field, where it can be used for the ultra-trace elemental analysis of water samples.

The Clean Water Package includes the wastewater reference standard SPS-WW2, prepared on quartz disks. Find out more about the preparation and analysis of this standard on the Clean Water Package page.

Advantages of TXRF Compared to EDXRF Spectrometers

The S2 PICOFOX working principle is based on total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis. The use of monochromatic radiation and total reflection optics leads to the following benefits of the S2 PICOFOX:

  • Reduced absorption and scattering effects in the sample matrix enable an easy quantification by internal standardization.
  • Short detector to sample distance leads to an enhanced fluorescence yield.
  • Due to the reduced background, detection limits are several orders of magnitude lower.
  • Extremely low sample amounts of liquids and powders can be precisely quantified.

What is your Analytical Challenge for TXRF?

Environmental monitoring

Aerosol metrology for atmospheric science and air quality

Measurements of aerosol particles are vital for enforcing air quality regulations to protect human health and for research on climate change effects.
Food safety

TXRF analysis of dietary supplement pills

The amount of macro and micro-nutrients like Zn, Se, Mo or I can be easily controlled by TXRF without time-consuming digestion procedures.

Verification analysis of synthetic urine

Synthetic urine for criminal doping in sports is easily available from the internet. It contains metabolites, creatinine, urea, uric acid and is therefore undistinguishable from real urine. A rapid differentiation between natural and artificial urine is possible with TXRF measurements of directly prepared sample droplets.

Accessories to Help Avoid Contamination during TXRF Sample Preparation

When detecting samples at ultra-low ppb limits contamination avoidance is of the highest priority – when working with a pure sample the key to this is excellent sample preparation.

Bruker provides a range of accessories alongside their S2 PICOFOX and S4 T-STAR systems.

These include a T-BOX to help achieve contamination-free and accurate sample pipetting and the T-DRY for the vacuum desiccation of samples; with both being designed to help users avoid making any contact with the sample carrier.

Following the collection of measurements, the sample disks can be efficiently and effectively cleaned for later use using Bruker’s chemically resistant washing cassette before clean storage in the T-BOX.

Find out more by dowloading our TXRF Accessories Brochure and watching our video on sample preparation during TXRF.


Technical details

Most compact spectrometer


  • The S2 PICOFOX is a (trans)-portable spectrometer
  • No gases, cooling water or other media required
  • Optimally suited for in-field analysis
Simple quantification
  • The S2 PICOFOX is delivered with a factory calibration
  • Quantification is simply processed using an internal standard
Most modern detector design


  • Latest SDD detector generation integrated
  • Increased active area of 60 mm²
  • Up to three times better detection limits
Simultaneous multi-element detection
  • All elements are measured simultaneously in one run
  • The element range starts from Al to U (except Nb to Ru)
Green technology


  • Maximum power consumption of the S2 PICOFOX is 180 Watt only
  • The CO₂ balance is 10 times better compared to a typical ICP system