The Quick Change Artist


The D8 ADVANCE: A single solution for XRD, PDF and SAXS

The quality of data counts in all dimensions
Always the best detector whatever the application: Highest count rates, dynamic range, and energy resolution
All-purpose and future proof
Open design and unrestricted modularity, coupled with maximum user-friendliness, operating convenience and safe handling. Thats Bruker's DAVINCI.DESIGN
Accuracy in peak positions
Only Bruker offers an alignment guarantee over the entire angular range based on the NIST standard reference material SRM 1976c
Bruker’s unique alignment guarantee

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The D8 ADVANCE is an X-ray Diffraction platform which is easily adapted to meet a wide range of analytical needs.

D8 ADVANCE – the future-proof solution in X-ray diffraction


The D8 ADVANCE is based on the unique D8 diffractometer family platform and is perfectly designed for all X-ray powder diffraction and scattering applications including:

  • traditional X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
  • Pair Distribution Function (PDF)analysis
  • Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS, WAXS)

Due to its superb adaptability, the D8 ADVANCE has the ability to measure all sample types, from liquids to loose powders, from thin films to solid blocks, on a single instrument.

No matter if you are a novice or an expert user, configuration changes are quick, easy and fool-proof. All of this is made possible by Bruker's unique DAVINCI.DESIGN: Tool- and alignment-free changes of the instrument configuration, supported by automatic, real-time component recognition and validation.

Even more - only Bruker offers an alignment guarantee based on the NIST standard reference material SRM1976. There is no other powder diffractometer on the market exceeding the accuracy of a D8 ADVANCE in terms of peak positions, intensities, and resolution.

Key Features

D8 ADVANCE Features

TWIN / TWIN optics


The patented TWIN / TWIN optics beam path design greatly simplifies the usage of the D8 ADVANCE, allowing a large variety of applications and sample types. With user convenience in mind, the system features automatic, motorized switching between 4 different beam geometries. Without manual user intervention, the system is capable of switching between focusing Bragg-Brentano for powders and parallel-beam geometry for ill-shaped samples, coatings, and thin films and everything in-between. It is perfectly suited for all sample types including powder, bulk, fiber, sheet and thin-film (amorphous, polycrystalline and epitaxial) under ambient or non-ambient conditions.

D8 ADVANCE Features

Dynamic Beam Optimization™ (DBO)

Bruker's unique DBO feature sets a significant new benchmark in terms of data quality for X-ray diffraction. The automatic synchronization of motorized divergence slits, a motorized anti-scatter screen, and the variable field-of-view active detector window provides unparalleled data quality, specifically at low angles 2Ɵ. DBO is supported by all members of the LYNXEYE detector family: SSD160-2, LYNXEYE-2, and LYNXEYE XE-T.

D8 ADVANCE Features


The LYNXEYE XE-T is the flagship within the LYNXEYE family of detectors. The LYNXEYE XE-T is the only energy dispersive detector on the market for acquisition of 0D, 1D and 2D data. Suited for all wavelengths (from Cr to Ag), with highest count rate capability and best angular resolution, the detector is ideal for all X-ray diffraction and scattering applications.
The superb energy resolution of the LYNXEYE XE-T, better than 380 eV, makes it the highest performing detector system on the market in terms of fluorescence filtering. With the LYNXEYE XE-T detector Fe fluorecense excited by Cu radiation is filtered 100% at zero intensity loss and there is no need for metal filters causing artifacts in the data such as remnant Kß and absorption edges. Also there is no more need for intensity-killing secondary monochromators.
The LYNXEYE XE-T is covered by Brukers unique detector warranty: No defective channels at delivery time. Guaranteed!

One Diffractometer - All Applications

D8 ADVANCE Applications

Powder Diffraction

X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) techniques are among the most important tools for materials characterization. Much of the information embedded in a powder pattern is derived directly from the atomic arrangement of the phases present. The D8 ADVANCE and the DIFFRAC.SUITE software allow support simple execution of common XRPD methods:

  • Identification of both crystalline and amorphous phases and determination of specimen purity
  • Quantitative analysis of both crystalline and amorphous phases in multi-phase mixtures
  • Microstructure analysis (crystallite size, microstrain, disorder…)
  • Bulk residual stress resulting from thermal treatment or machining in manufactured components
  • Texture (preferred orientation) analysis
  • Indexing, ab-initio crystal structure determination and crystal structure refinement
D8 ADVANCE Applications

Pair Distribution Function Analysis

Pair Distribution Function Analysis

Pair distribution function (PDF) analysis is an analytical technique that provides structural information from disordered materials based on Bragg as well as diffuse scattering ("Total Scattering"). While Bragg peaks provide information about the average crystal structure of a material (i.e. long range order), diffuse scattering allows characterization of its local structure (i.e. short range order).
The D8 ADVANCE and TOPAS software represent the highest performing PDF analysis solutions on the market in terms of analysis speed, data quality and results for analysis of amorphous, poorly crystalline, nano-crystalline or nano-structured materials:

  • Phase identification
  • Structure determination and refinement
  • Nano particle size and shape
D8 ADVANCE Applications

Thin Films and Coatings

Thin Films and Coatings

Analysis of thin films and coatings is based on the same principles of XRPD, but with further beam conditioning and angular control. Typical examples include, but are not limited to, phase identification, crystalline quality, residual stress, texture analysis, thickness determination and composition vs strain analysis. Analysis of thin films and coatings is focusing on properties of layered materials with nm to µm thickness, ranging from amorphous and poly-crystalline coatings to epitaxially grown films. The D8 ADVANCE and the DIFFRAC.SUITE software enable high quality analyses of thin films including:

  • Grazing incidence diffraction
  • X-Ray Reflectometry
  • High resolution X-ray diffraction
  • Reciprocal space mapping

XRD Components

XRD Components

Bruker XRD solutions consist of high performance components configured to meet the analytical requirements. The modular design is the key to configure the best instrumentation.

All categories of components are part of Bruker’s key competence, developed and manufactured by Bruker AXS, or in close cooperation with third party vendors.

Bruker XRD components are available for upgrading the installed X-ray systems for improving their performance.



DIFFRAC.SUITE™ offers a wide range of software modules for easy X-ray powder diffraction data acquisition and evaluation. Based on Microsoft's .NET technology, DIFFRAC.SUITE offers all the advantages of modern software technology for stability, maximum ease of use and networking.

The fully customizable user-interface is characterized by a plug-in framework, providing a common look, feel and operation. All measurement and evaluation software modules can be operated as individual applications or integrated together in DIFFRAC.SUITE's plug-in framework. Unlimited networking allows access and control of any number of D2 PHASER, D8 ADVANCE, D8 DISCOVER and D8 ENDEAVOR diffractometers within a customer's network.

Measurement Software:
WIZARD – Method planning
COMMANDER – Method execution and direct measurements
TOOLS – Service Interface
Powder Diffraction Software:
DQUANT – Quantitative phase analysis
EVA – Phase identification and quantitative phase analysis
TOPAS – Profile analysis, quantitative analysis, structure analysis

Materials Research Software:
SAXS – Small Angle X-ray Scattering software
XRR – Comprehensive X-ray reflectometry analysis
TEXTURE – All-round Texture analysis meets ease-of-use
LEPTOS – Thin film analysis/Residual stress investigation


D8 ADVANCE Specifications

Feature Specification Benefit
TRIO and TWIN optics Software push-button switch between:

Motorized Divergence Slit (Bragg-Brentano)

High Intensity Ka1,2 Parallel Beam

High Resolution Ka1 Parallel Beam

Patents: US10429326, US6665372, US7983389

Fully automatic, motorized switching between up to 6 different beam geometries without any manual  user intervention

Perfectly suited for all sample types including powders, bulk materials, fibers, sheets and thin-films (amorphous, polycrystalline and epitaxial)

Dynamic Beam Optimization Dynamic synchronization of:

motorized divergence slits

motorized anti-scatter screen

variable active detector window

2Ɵ Angular range: <1 to >150

Data virtually free of air, instrument, and sample support scattering

Significantly enhanced lower limits of detection enabling quantification for minor crystalline and amorphous phases

Unparalleled performance at low 2Ɵ angles enabling accurate investigations of clays, pharmaceuticals, zeolites, porous framework materials and more

LYNXEYE XE-T Energy Resolution: < 380 eV @ 8 KeV

Detection Modes: 0D,1D, 2D

Wavelengths: Cr, Co, Cu, Mo and Ag

Patents: EP1647840, EP1510811, US20200033275

No need for Kß filters and secondary monochromators

100% filtering of Fe-fluorescense with Cu radiation

Up to 450 times faster than conventional detector systems

BRAGG2D: Collect 2D data with a divergent primary line beam

Unique detector warranty: No defective channels at delivery time

EIGER2 R The latest generation multi-mode (0D/1D/2D) detector based on the Hybrid Photon Counting technology, developed by Dectris Ltd. Seamless integration of 0D, 1D and 2D detection in step, continuous and advanced scanning modes

Ergonomic, alignment-free detector rotation to optimize γ or 2Ɵ angular coverage

Panoramic, tool-free diffracted beam optics using the complete detector field of view

Continuously variable detector positioning to balance angular coverage and resolution

TWIST.TUBE Easy, fast, and alignment-free switch between line and point focus applications No disconnecting of electric cables or water hoses or unmounting of tubes

DAVINCI.DESIGN: Fully automatic detection and configuration of the focus orientation

Sample Changers FLIPSTICK: 9 Samples

AUTOCHANGER: 90 samples

Operation in reflection AND transmission geometries
D8 Goniometer Two-circle goniometer with independent stepper motors and optical encoders Unparalleled accuracy and precision as manifasted by Bruker's unique alignment guarantee

Absolutely maintenance free drive mechanism / gearings with lifetime lubrication

Non-ambient Temperature: Ranging from ~85K up to ~2500K

Pressure: 10-⁴ mbar up to 10 bar

Humidity: 5% to 95% RH

Investigations under ambient and non-ambient conditions

Easily exchanged stages with DIFFRAC.DAVINCI