The standard for versatility

Strongest X-ray sources

Highest performing X-ray detectors


The world's best diffraction solution

1.8 × 1012 X-rays·mm-2·s-1
flux density
The world's most intense home X-ray source
up to 280 cm²
active area
Largest available home-lab detector
>70 %
of all published structures from 2019-2021
From the market leader in crystallography

D8 VENTURE - the Standard for Quality and Versatility in Single Crystal XRD

The D8 VENTURE provides a more spacious enclosure for your experiment with more room for rotating anode, liquid metal jet and dual wavelengths solutions. All systems feature the revolutionary PHOTON III photon-counting detector. The D8 VENTURE offers highest experimental flexibility, with excellent sample accessibility and visibility. It is engineered with high modularity from best-in-class components and is available in popular all-air-cooled configurations. Easy upgradeability protects your investment with maximum flexibility for future extensions.

  • PHOTON III photon counting detector with mixed mode technology
  • Sealed tube X-ray sources
  • IµS 3.0 and IµS DIAMOND II microfocus X-ray sources - tailored to the needs of modern crystallography
  • METALJET liquid metal X-ray source
  • Advanced safety enclosures
  • FIXED-CHI or KAPPA Goniometer
  • APEX - the most comprehensive software suite for chemical crystallography
  • PROTEUM5 - now with data processing pipeline for structural biology


Cryostream 800

Low temperature devices

The D8 VENTURE can be equipped with a variety of fully integrated low temperature devices.

SCOUT - Automated sample changing system

Automated sample handling is the key step to improve the system productivity.
ISX Stage

ISX Stage for in-situ X-ray crystallography

Our newly developed, fully motorized ISX stage enables the fully automated screening of samples in crystallization plates.
High pressure

High pressure add-ons

Varying pressure helps to broaden our understanding of matter at the atomic scale.

SC-XRD Software

APEX Software

APEX Software

APEX – Software package chemical crystallography - read more on features and how to get a demo version for free
PROTEUM5 Software

PROTEUM5 Software

PROTEUM5 – Outstanding Tools for the Best Protein Structures - read more on features and how to get a demo version for free