Chromaster HPLC/UHPLC
Три критични параметри за HPLC системите: високи технически характеристики, функционалност и стабилност. За всеки един от тях ние направихме поредица от подобрения за да създадем един нов стандарт в HPLC – системата Chromaster.

Chromaster HPLC/UHPLC
Outstanding Performance
Two performance capabilities supporting data reliability: the excellent reproducibility made possible by the pump and autosampler and the excellent stability of the column oven and detector.
Beyond the simplicity of operation and ease of use, a critical requirement for HPLC is ease of maintenance.
The Hitachi reputation for instrument robustness and reliability continues with the Chromaster, which is made using stronger materials and is manufactured with Hitachi's strict quality control standards.
Chromaster Modules:
- 5110 Pump5430 Diode Array Detector
- 5210 Autosampler
- 5310 Column Oven
- 5410 UV Detector
- 5420 UV-Vis Detector
- 5430 Diode Array Detector
- 5440 Fluorescence Detector
- 5450 RI Detector
- GUI Controller
- UI Pad
- Organizer