VERTEX 80/80v

VERTEX 80/80v
VERTEX 80/80v FT-IR Spectrometers
The VERTEX 80 and the VERTEX 80v vacuum FT-IR spectrometers are based on the actively aligned UltraScan™ interferometer, which provides PEAK spectral resolution. The precise linear air bearing scanner and PEAK quality optics guarantees the ultimate sensitivity and stability. The VERTEX 80v is an evacuated optics bench that can eliminate atmospheric moisture absorptions for ultimate sensitivity and stability; enabling demanding experiments such as high resolution, ultra fast rapidscan, step-scan, or UV spectral range measurements.
The VERTEX 80/80v optics design allows PEAK flexibility and at the same time PEAK instrument performance. The unique Bruker Optics DigiTect™ technology prevents external signal disturbance, guarantees PEAK signal-to-noise ratio and allows easy and reproducible detector exchange by the instrument user. The two optional external detector ports accommodate the liquid He dewars of bolometer and/or hot electron detectors. In combination with the external water cooled high power Hg-arc source, the recently rediscovered terahertz spectral range is accessible even with a room temperature operated DTGS-detector.
Spectral range extension
The VERTEX 80/80v can optionally be equipped with optical components to cover the spectral range from the far IR, or terahertz, through the mid and near IR and visible and up to the ultraviolet spectral range. With its pre-aligned optical components and the actively aligned UltraScan™ interferometer, range change and maintenance are easy.
BMS-c: Bruker provides the high-precision beamsplitter exchange option BMS-c for the VERTEX 80v vacuum spectrometer.
Thus the remotely controlled automatic exchange of up to four different type of beamsplitters under vacuum conditions became possible. Now, the complete spectral range from the UV/VIS to the far IR/THz can be measured without the need to vent the spectrometer optics bench for manual beamsplitter exchange.

NEW: Bruker has extended the available range of beamsplitters by a new broad band far IR/THz beamsplitter for the VERTEX 80/80v FT-IR spectrometer series. In particular for research and development of semiconducting and additional inorganic materials the new far IR solid state beamsplitter will provide additional values because it covers nominally the spectral range from above 900 cm-1 to appr. 5 cm-1 in one measurement and connects the mid IR with the very long wave FIR/THz wavelength ranges.
Optical resolution
The VERTEX 80 and the VERTEX 80v standard configuration provides apodized spectral resolution of better than 0.2 cm-1, which is sufficient for most ambient pressure gas phase studies and room temperature sample measurements. For advanced low temperature work, e. g. on crystalline semiconductor materials or gas phase measurements at lower pressure, a PEAK resolution of better than 0.06 cm-1 is available. This is the highest spectral resolution achieved using a commercial bench top FT-IR spectrometer. High resolution spectra in the visible spectral range demonstrate a resolving power (wavenumber ν divided by spectral resolution ∆ν) of better 300,000:1.
The innovative optics design results in the most flexible and expandable R&D vacuum FT-IR spectrometer available. With the evacuated optics bench, PEAK sensitivity in the mid-, near- and far IR regions is obtained without the fear of masking very weak spectral features by air water vapor absorptions. Outstanding results, e.g. in the area of nanoscience research down to less than 10-3 monolayers, can be obtained with the VERTEX 80v vacuum FT-IR spectrometer. There are virtually no limitations with respect to flexibility. Five beam exit ports on the right, front and left side and two beam input ports on the right and rear side of the optics bench are available. This allows simultaneous connection of, for example, a synchrotron light source using the rear side input port, the PMA 50 polarization modulation accessory at the right side exit beam, a fiber optics coupling at the right front side port, a bolometer detector at the left front and the HYPERION series FT-IR microscope at the left side exit beam.
The VERTEX 80 Series are the ideal instruments for demanding research and development applications.
Contact our sales team today to learn more about the VERTEX 80/80v!
Technologies used are protected by one or more of the following patents: US 7034944
The VERTEX 80 and VERTEX 80v spectrometers are the high-end research instruments in the VERTEX series. Their innovative optics design results in the most powerful bench top purge and vacuum spectrometers available. They offer broadest spectral range from the UV/VIS region (50000 cm-1) to the FIR/THz region (5 cm-1), highest spectral and temporal resolution and an unmatched level of flexibility. The versatile VERTEX 80/80v systems provide with their PEAK technology the right solution for all high-end research applications.
Research & Development
- Continuous and Step Scan technology for amplitude/phase modulation spectroscopy
- Rapid, interleaved and Step Scan technology for experiments with high temporal resolution (Step Scan / Rapid Scan / Interleaved TRS)
- Characterization of periodically ordered microscopic materials, known as metamaterials
- High resolution spectroscopy for gas analysis with resolutions better than 0.06 cm-1
- Instrumentation for vacuum FT-IR beamline installations
- Stopped-flow methods for enzyme catalysis experiments
- External adaptation of ultrahigh vacuum measurement chambers
- FT-IR spectroelectrochemistry for the in-situ investigation of electrode surfaces and electrolytes
- Determination of the absolute configuration of molecules (VCD)
- Characterization of stability and volatile content of medical drug products by thermal analysis (TG-FT-IR)
- Differentiation of polymorphs of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the far infrared region
Polymers and Chemistry
- Identification of inorganic fillers in polymer composites in the far infrared region
- Dynamic and rheo-optical studies of polymers
- Determination of volatile compounds and characterization of decomposition processes by thermal analysis (TGA-FT-IR)
- Reaction monitoring and reaction control (MIR fiber probe)
- Identification of inorganic minerals and pigments
Surface Analysis
- Detection and characterization of thin and monolayers
- Surface analysis combined with polarization modulation (PM-IRRAS)
Material Science
- Characterization of optical and highly reflective materials (windows, mirrors)
- Investigation of dark materials and depth profiling by Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy (PAS)
- Characterization of the emittance behavior of materials
- Determination of oxygen and carbon contents in silicon wafers
- Low temperature transmittance and photoluminescence (PL) measurements of shallow impurities for quality control
External accessories, sources and detectors
The VERTEX 80/80v spectrometers are equipped with five beam exit ports and two beam input ports and offer the possibility to connect them, for example, to external laser and synchrotron light sources. Additionally the spectrometer optics can be readily upgraded with external measurement accessories, sources and detectors. This includes the following:
- PMA 50 Polarization Modulation Accessory for VCD and PM-IRRAS
- PL II Photoluminescence module
- RAM II FT-Raman module and the RamanScope III FT-Raman microscope
- TGA-FT-IR coupling
- HYPERION series FT-IR microscope
- HYPERION 3000 FT-IR imaging system
- HTS-XT High Throughput Screening eXTension
- IMAC Focal Plane Array macro imaging accessory
- External sample compartment XSA, evacuable or purgeable
- External vacuum tight UHV chamber adaptation
- Vacuum PL/PT/PR measurement unit
- Low temperature liquid He or cryogenic liquid free cryostats
- Fiber optic coupling unit with MIR or NIR fiber probes for solids and liquids
- Large integrating spheres
- Auto sampler devices
- External FIR Hg source
- Unique wide range MIR-FIR detector
- Solid State far IR / THz beamsplitter
- External emission adapter
- External high performance MIR source
- External high performance VIS source
- External vacuum 4-position detector chamber (for vacuum optics)
- Bolometer adaptation for detection in the FIR range
- Automatic beamsplitter exchange unit (BMS-c) (for vacuum optics)