scimaX® is powered by 2xR MRMS technology, bringing the „high hanging fruit“ within easy reach

scimaX® – taking science to the max
scimaX® - powered by MRMS technology
Continuing Bruker’s tradition to forge productivity from technological innovation, scimaX® includes several innovative core technologies, to give you performance rivaling high field MRMS at your fingertips.
Patented ParaCell 2xR detector
scimaX® comes standard with ParaCell 2xR and AMP detection technology. The ParaCell is a departure from traditional MRMS cell strategies and provides uncommon broadband ion stability resulting in resolution orders of magnitude above other detection schemes. The ParaCell in combination with Absorption Mode Processing algorithms is the prerequisite for routine access to Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) Information.
Bruker’s 2xR MRMS instruments use magnetron control technology and the latest high sensitivity, low noise MRMS preamplifier, realizing scientists' long standing vision to exploit harmonics detection schemes and thus increase the experimental speed and instrument productivity without sacrificing resolving power.
7T conduction cooled magnet technology
Bruker‘s revolutionary 7T superconducting magnet technology is the basis of the smaller footprint scimaX® MRMS system. This key innovation uses 'conduction cooling' technology, which removes the requirements to fill liquid cryogens or provide quench ducts.
The scimaX® can be operated in a standard laboratory space, enabling a wider range of scientific disciplines to gain access to the power of MRMS technology.

Unique ESI/MALDI dual source
Only Bruker instruments allow operation of a unique ESI/MALDI dual source. This source is included with any scimaX® and can either run liquid samples introduced via the Electrospray ionization (ESI) source or from MALDI samples. This highly sensitive MALDI source uses Bruker's smartbeam-II laser technology and provides several small focus diameters for various applications with different sample preparation techniques. Fast switchover between MALDI and ESI operation is controlled by a software push button, so even simultaneous ESI/MALDI operation is possible.
Ion activation techniques
scimaX® includes a variety of ion activation techniques, including ECD, ETD, CID, EDD, SORI-CID, MALDI-ISD, and NETD capabilities.

“With scimaX®, Bruker continues innovation of MRMS technology to reduce effort while increasing scientific output. scimaX®’ core detection technology, the 2xR ParaCell, provides uncommon broadband ion stability and mitigates ion cloud coalescence resulting in mass resolution orders of magnitude above other detection schemes. This enables extreme resolving power over a broad mass range needed to perform isotopic fine structure analysis of complex mixtures.”

scimaX® – taking science to the max
scimaX® enables identification with confidence
Routine sub-ppm mass accuracy and Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) capabilities enable high-confidence molecular formulas assignments for known and unknown targets.
Powered by MRMS Technology, scimaX®
- provides superior eXtreme Resolution and mass accuracy
- enables routine Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) analysis for a broad mass range
- results in unmatched confidence for compound identification

scimaX® is an integrated and versatile instrument
ESI and MALDI sources are included as well as several ion activation techniques (CID, (n)ETD, (n)ECD). The ESI source interface is compatible to various optional API sources (APPI, APCI, GC-APCI).
scimaX® brings “high hanging fruit” within reach …
… for various applications like MALDI Imaging, Metabolomics, Petroleomics, and more. Dramatically improve your productivity by operating round-the-clock by doing your ESI experiments during the day and acquiring MALDI Imaging data when you go home. Take on projects that demand exceptional scientific insight and breakthrough with the scimaX®.
scimaX® Applications
MALDI and MALDI Imaging
scimaX® is the ultimate MALDI Imaging system for analyzing small to medium sized molecules. Its unrivaled eXtreme Resolution capability and sub-ppm mass accuracy, over a wide mass range, can differentiate images that are only mDa apart and are prerequisite for IFS analysis and formula confirmation.
Analyze complex mixtures directly with the speed and robustness of MALDI. Visualize and map molecular distributions without molecular labels using MALDI Imaging, and determine molecular changes occurring in spatially significant regions of samples.

Phenotyping workflow for large cohorts
scimaX® eXtreme Resolution allows for chromatography-free acquisition complementary to established NMR based solutions. The MRMS aXelerate® workflow breaks free of LC throughput limitations and allows analysis of over 200 samples a day. This solution with MetaboScape® based processing enables automatic annotation of molecular formulae for hundreds of known metabolites and molecular formulae generation for thousands of unknown analytes in complex samples for metabolomics and phenomics studies.

Molecular Classification of Petroleum
When seeing every molecule matters, MRMS is mandatory to unravel the potentially hundreds of isobaric species in complex mixture analysis, placing MRMS as the industrial standard for Petroleomics. Now, scimaX® enables high field performance at 7T, breaking conventional norms for complex mixture analysis.

scimaX® Specifications
scimaX® | |
Maximum resolving power | >20M |
Mass accuracy (internal) | 600 ppb |
ESI | yes |
MALDI | yes |
ETD | yes |
Detector | ParaCell 2xR |
Magnetic Field | 7T cc |
Annual Cryogen Fill | no |
Quench Line Required | no |