The rapifleX® is the most advanced MALDI-TOF/TOF system on the market today
Analysis Speed
Results within minutes

Bruker’s market leading MALDI-TOF system
MALDI-TOF/TOF adds unique capabilities to protein characterization
With speed in mind, we designed the heart of the rapifleX® MALDI Imaging solution to work up to 20 times faster than traditional MALDI-TOF systems, to meet the increasing requirements of tissue imaging or high-throughput primary screening.
The adaptable ion optics and class leading laser technology provide the best data quality, regardless of the acquisition mode or mass range.
The unprecedented 10 kHz speed and ion source robustness, the wide dynamic range, higher specificity and resolution, all contribute to the detailed
characterization of biologically and clinically relevant lipids, peptides and proteins, raising customer MALDI-TOF/TOF expectations for applications such as:
- MALDI Imaging
- MALDI PharmaPulse® high-throughput screening
- In-depth protein characterization

State of the art technology meets advanced informatics

The rapifleX® combines state-of-the-art technology with advanced informatics into a system that gives you speed, robustness, versatility and confidence. The platform offers a complete characterization system with unprecedented speed of analysis and performance.
Speed - highest throughput provides 5-20 times increase in speed
Robustness - User removable ion source for easy cleaning, designed for maximum uptime in 24/7 operations
- Ion optics adapt to application
- No compromise, maximum resolution for full molecular weight range
- Maximized sensitivity for MS and MS/MS analysis
- MS/MS mass range for large peptides such as glycopeptides, di/trisulfide peptides and difficult non-tryptic peptides
- Superior resolution for high selectivity in complex mixtures
- Supreme precursor ion selection for confidence in MS/MS data quality
- High dynamic range
- Tissue Imaging ( SCiLS™ Lab )
- Pharma QC workflows ( BioPharma Compass® )
- Polymer research ( PolyTools )
- Ultra high-throughput screening ( MALDI PharmaPulse® )
MALDI MS/MS performance at a new level: mass range up to m/z 8000
MALDI provides single charged ions and fragment ions of molecules that are difficult to analyze using ESI. Non-tryptic peptides can be well analyzed by MALDI MS/MS. Spectra that are otherwise difficult to analyze and inspect can be easily interpreted, such as MS/MS spectra of glycopeptides or disulfide/trisulfide linked peptides. Top-Down spectra of proteins as large as intact antibodies can be automatically interpreted.
MS/MS analysis of glycopeptides
Glycopeptide analysis is an important step in quality control of recombinant antibodies. The high precursor selection resolution and isotopically resolved fragments over the mass range enables the characterization of non-tryptic or hydrophobic peptide. The speed of MALDI analysis allows for faster batch releases for your production workflows.

Best Top-Down and Middle-Down Analysis available: get the highest sequence coverage at the shortest analysis time from intact proteins
Top-down sequencing at a new level: optimized MALDI laser for high performance top-down protein sequencing and the high resolution provide for unmatched sequence analysis of intact proteins. Terminal modification status and sequence assessment, full protein sequence confirmation and sequence error curation are usual applications.

MS/MS for protein sequence verification
Top-down sequencing of proteins with outstanding sequence coverage allowing the unambiguous identification of modifications, like disulfide/trisulfide analysis via LC-MALDI, and mutation sites.

Accelerating Drug Discovery and Screening

The new rapifleX® MALDI PharmaPulse® is the first solution to offer the speed, specificity and robustness required for large primary screens in drug discovery:
- The integrated automation solution can process 1536 target plates in less than 9 minutes ~ 0.3 sec/sample
- Up to 100 times less solvent than multi-plexed LC/SPE-MS systems
- No need for SPE cartridges or HPLC columns
- Label-free detection accelerates and simplifies assay development and avoids interferences from artifacts
- Extremely low sample volumes required for detection (typically ~1 μL) enables single well kinetic readouts which can reduce the total number of assays required
Tissuetyping at ease and speed
The rapifleX® MALDI Tissuetyper® is the complete solution for MALDI Imaging.
- Fastest acquisition with up to 40 pixel/second
- Superior image quality
- Integration of histology
- Comprehensive software for the interpretation of large tissue-based biomarker studies