MALDI-TOF performance in true benchtop format. Using minimum lab space. Silent operation
Seamless switching between positive and negative ionization modes. Smartbeam laser technology providing MALDI speed and efficiency.

Robust and trustworthy technique
in true benchtop format
Meet the demands of today’s analytical laboratories
- Flexibility
- Effective and worry-free operation
- Positive and negative ionization modes
- Large variety of compounds detectable
- Wide mass range addressable

Flexibility that helps your sample analysis
The integration of both ionization modes into the smartfleX greatly improves the range of analyte types which can be measured with the smartfleX.
The intuitive operation of the smartfleX will establish a higher productivity instantly. Your routine applications such as quality control or compound mass verification can be mastered with this conveniently silent MALDI system.
All that power is integrated into a 75 kg benchtop system using a minimum of lab space generating a maximum of output. Our known whisper mode makes working with the smartfleX a genuinely comfortable experience.

Seamless polarity switching controlled by the software

The smartfleX provides access to the complete MALDI analyte space in positive and negative ion mode for analysis of a broad variety of samples.
Solve your daily challenges quickly with instant answers. Glycan analysis needs both ionization modes to reveal the entire complexity.
Polymer QC with the smartfleX
Seamless data analysis with PolyTools software allows for efficient determination of polymer characteristics.
PolyTools automatically calculates Mn, Mw and end groups. A variety of result displays, including Kendrick mass plots, facilitate convenient spectra interpretation. Parameter sets can be easily customized for specific polymers enabling recurring routine QC batch analysis.

Quality Control the fast way!

Analysing hundreds or thousands of samples a day is a challenge QC laboratories face. Incoming goods need to be checked, a variety of compound classes such as peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides or lipids need to be addressed.
With the smartfleX QC has never been easier. Compound molecular weights are verified instantly and multiple critical quality attribute (QCAs) can be automatically assessed and reported using a traffic light report to accelerate data analysis in the BioPharma Compass software.